I got in Harry today to move him up the drive to get the bin out and he was a bit over-excited. Not sure what the problem is, hopefully he's not on a suicide bid trying to blow his own engine up. His accelerator is sticking somewhere in not-quite-full-pelt position. It doesn't look like a physical thing in the cab as there is a stop on the pedal that prevents it lifting any higher and unfortunately the end of the cable to the moving bit in the engine (throttle I think!) is tucked at the back of the engine. He's revving a bit higher if the pedal is pushed down, but he's not easing off as he should. Zebedee, my second 2CV had a sticky accelerator, I remember driving the narrow roads around Scotland with the added need to tap the accelerator to get it to raise before hitting the brakes, which if you've ever driven a 2CV you'll know how much notice you need to stop at the best of times. Sadly tapping Harry's isn't making any difference. Pauly's going to do some research tonight. Hope Harry's OK - I want him to be happy with us....